Thursday, October 14, 2010

The debate on skinny jeans

Recently kids brands like GAP (above) and Old Navy have been making "skinny jeans"
for kids sizes as well, which has caused much debate the skinny jean for kids if a harmless trend
passed down from adult fashion or if its something more sinister... dun dun dun....

Team flare jean debate-
*Skinny jeans in kids can cause body image issues.
*Doesnt appreciate the term "super skinny" being put in the jean tags as their kids might feel the need to live up to the name on their jeans tag
*The jeans can cause "Meralgia Paresthetica" or "numb thighs" from being too dang tight
*Shows our culture is moving towards "sexifying" our children. and whats next!? plunging neckline dresses!?

Team skinny jean-
*Body images issues in kids come from the people they idiolize. worry more about why ariel has a body shaped like a toothpick with a grape stuck to each end rather than if your kid will want to look good in skinny jeans.
*They are comfy and easy to play in. like leggings. and most are made out of
a different material than jean.
* And..they are cute.

so which team are you on?

and yes this is shiloh jolie-pitt.


C Suders said...

team let-the-kids-and-parents-decide-whatever-they-heck-they-want.


a maymay said...

ha very good! its fun to see the sides of arguments though. and i guess this is one of the new things. like harry potter.