Monday, October 11, 2010

Learning Fabric

I decided to resew covers for our couch pillows. Our current ones are salmon, yikes. i have no idea why i picked it. So i bravely walked the aisles of a family owned fabric store with my eyes closed trying to envision which fabric would match my living room (or decidedly unmatch, but not clash. There is a difference.) eventually i picked out the blue at the very bottom picture, the right side. I like it, but i realized literally our whole house is various shades or blue,brown, or orange. oh well.

Another realization is i don't understand fabrics.
Sewing is really quite a bit like cooking, you have to know your ingredients, how they are going to mesh together and what the end result will be and preferably you need to know these things before the final product. Or else you will have to do it over again.
So i want to learn, don't really know how. But i learned to cook by practicing so why not?
I shall practice.

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